The Aiva Platform

Conversational AI

Hands-free voice and mobile app interfaces designed for healthcare and senior living.

Seamless Integrations

Easily connect with all of your existing enterprise systems.

Enterprise Admin

Centralized management of devices, users and content with granular utilization analytics.

Aiva for Mobile

Aiva Assistant is a HIPAA-compliant mobile app powered by conversational AI.

It enables natural-language voice and text conversations through turn-key integrations to alleviate staff burden.

Aiva Assistant provides a personal assistant optimized for multiple user personas including nurses, doctors and caregivers.

Aiva for Alexa

Aiva enables smart speakers like Amazon Echo to act as virtual assistants for patients, seniors and their care teams.

Aiva’s HIPAA-eligible Alexa Skills enable hands-free interactions to simplify workflows with the power of voice and natural language.

The Aiva Platform leverages Alexa Smart Properties to deploy  and manage devices with enterprise-grade privacy and security controls.

Aiva Integrations

Aiva's vendor-agnostic integration framework enables solutions across your enterprise.

We provide APIs and SDKs across a growing ecosystem of 40+ integrations. This unifies complex multi-vendor environments and increases utilization across all of your systems.

Aiva Mission Control for Enterprise Administration

Fleet Management

Create a digital twin and centrally manage all the connected devices in your infrastructure.

Remotely provision devices, manage status and track inventory with fleet management enterprise controls.


Enable easy audio and video calling between Alexa devices, mobile phones and web apps, with address books for each user.

Save time communicating by pushing alerts to individual rooms, units or your entire facility.


Create personalized in-room digital signage solutions across fleet-managed smart displays.

Schedule and automate custom campaigns about events, activities, meals and other facility information.


Measure Aiva’s impact with granular analytics.

Understand utilization trends by application, device and location.